Meet Me at the Bridge
Taking God's Love to the Inner City

Non-profit 501(c)(3) charity

Our Mission
Our mission is to fulfill the command of Christ in Luke 14:21 to "Go into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame." Our purpose is to help them come out of a life of hopelessness and despair into a joyous and productive life in Christ.
We comb the city streets in search of people who are lost, hungry, homeless, or hurting.
We share the good news of God's love in the context of warm, friendly conversation, presented with gentleness and respect, and tailored to the life situation of each person.
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Unmute Sound
Unmute Sound
We Need Your Help!
The people we reach are so precious, the needs so enormous, and the opportunities so plenteous . . .
We need people of faith to PRAY. Will you consider putting us on your daily prayer list?
We need volunteers to HELP. Will you check our schedule of events and come lend a hand?
We need donors to GIVE. There is so much more we can do; lack of funding is the only impediment. Will you help?

Wednesdays-Bible Study - 12:00 Noon
Durham-Corner of Main and Mangum (google map)
Fayetteville - Second Saturday of each month, 12:00 Noon
116 Old Street, Fayetteville, NC (10:00 Setup)
Durham - Third Saturday of each month, 12:00 Noon
Durham Freeway Bridge at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
Charlotte - Fourth Saturday of each month, 12:00 Noon
N. Caldwell & 9th (First Ward Elem. School-outdoors)
*All donations are tax deductible
Phone: 919-740-8365 Email:
Meet Me at the Bridge, PO Box 1006, Durham, NC 27702
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